Diverse Children's Toys

Being mothers, as well as business women, representation and respect of all races and cultures has always been an important part to raising our children. We believe all children should be able to live and contribute to a world of equality, but now more than ever it's vital to keep propelling that message. Inspired by the incredibly powerful messages, experiences, and awareness that we have been consuming, we have been taking the time to find and support companies that create and sell multicultural and diverse dolls, toys and literature to continue the conversations with our children about race. 

The below list is just a start, we know that there are many, many more out there! If you have any to share please, send us a message to let us know. We hope to continue to update this list and make it a resource for those who need it. 

Black Owned Businesses

Additional Dolls and Toys

lemon & lime is not affiliated with any of the above companies and does not profit off of any sales made through these links

photo: @harperimandolls

photo: @harperimandolls